
Life of a Ministry Minded Homeschool Mom...living by the Holy Spirit one day at a time

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oatmeal and Mothballs

"Mothball Lady"

I know that this title does not sound very nice, but the lady whom this story is about is very special in God's eyes and I would like to tell you just how special she is.  While on our trip to California this February, I had this thought about oatmeal.  "Maybe I should make some granola when I get there…," I thought to myself.  Oatmeal kept coming to mind so when I had a free moment, I rounded up the kids into our van and headed down the highway to the Alpine Albertson's grocery store.  On the way to the store I had convinced myself that I wouldn't have time to make granola.  What was I thinking!  When would I find time to make granola!!  

Well, we did some shopping then headed down the cereal aisle anyways.  I still felt drawn to the oatmeal for some weird reason and stopped to look at them all sitting neatly on the shelf.  Right away my attention was drawn to an elderly lady who had a very bent over back (almost completely bent over) and was looking at oatmeal of all things.  She turned to me and asked me if I would help her.  She was trying to figure out why the oatmeal was priced the same when they were different sizes.  I then just suggested she take both of them and when she checked out, she could ask the lady there that question.  She then went started talking to me about how bad her health was and how sick she felt and how she had forgotten to eat for 3 days and so, she was at the store to get some healthy food.  I felt the compassion of the Lord well up inside of me and I asked her if I could pray for her.  She started to tear up as she told me, yes.  

So as I prayed for her I sensed that along with health and encouragement, God wanted her to have His abundant life and to be made whole in every area; physically and spiritually.  After I prayed, with tears in her eyes, (and in mine) she said that she remembered teaching children about God when she was younger (as she pointed to all my kids) and that "this" must be because of her teaching those children.  I didn't quite understand what she meant by that, but as I am writing, I see what she might have been thinking.  That because she gave God's truths to little children a long time ago, God had remembered her and had brought someone to pray for her and bless her at a time when she needed it the most.  Yeah, God!!  Of course, that might not be the real reason, but she had made a connection of a God moment in her life! 

She seemed to be so encouraged but added how alone she was and that she didn't have anyone else in her life right now.  I felt a part of God's heart for her and bent down to look at her in the eyes and gently told her that her Father in heaven knows her and He promises that He is always with her and will never leave her alone.  It was a sweet moment and one I will never forget.  As I stood there I felt an urgency for her so somehow I told her to seek God soon and I tried to assure her that He will listen.  She had that one of a kind smell of mothballs and was so thin and frail, but the God of the Universe knew her by name and led me find the oatmeal, then find her.  I know in my heart that that was the beginning of a sweet switch in her life.  May her eyes see more of her Father and may she feel His healing and love for her more and more each day.  

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