For those who are curious as to how this journey started for us, here is a glimpse into what God was up to in our hearts. Yes, Rich and I were called to serve God in missions while we were in high school but this didn’t happen right away. We had much to do and learn, but that’s another story.
Right about the time that God called Rich to take a step of faith and to literally step out of the US Army this song “Something Heavenly” by Sanctus Real came out. The first time I heard it was on K-Love radio. The words spoke directly to my heart. It felt like Someone heavenly was calling us out of this life we were living in. We were being invited in other words to step into something new.
We were ruined! No longer could Rich go to work and back and feel like that was what he was supposed to do. There was an emptiness in it all. This emptiness, we realized could no longer be filled with activities, or shopping or anything else we were used to doing. So, what now? These words said it all!
“It’s time for healing, time to move on...It’s time to find my way, where I belong, there’s a wave crashing over me, and all I can do is surrender…to whatever You’re doing inside of me, it feels like chaos but somehow there’s peace, and though it’s hard to surrender to what I can’t see, I’m giving in to something heavenly, something heavenly.”
Surrender was all we could do. We were walking into something bigger than ourselves. It felt like too big to take on at times and still does. But God in His graciousness calmed my fears. He assured me that He was going to be the best boss we could ever have. You see, stepping out of the Army, away from free healthcare and a steady paycheck was a bit scary to say the least.
“Time for a milestone, time to begin again, reevaluate who I really am, am I doing everything to follow Your will, or just climbing aimlessly over these hills, so show me what it is You want from me, I give everything, I surrender…”
God in His love for us “ruined” us and lovingly guided us from one Army, into another. He promises us in Jeremiah 17:7, “most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.” Surrendering to Him was the best thing we could do. We are truly blessed.
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