I went to a used curriculum fair trying to be inspired by looking at different books, thinking maybe this would help. Several books caught my eye and I got to glance through them, intrigued and interested in maybe using them. Mostly it was a time of seeing old friends and getting to visit with other homeschool moms. I love homeschoolers, they are so passionate about learning, about the curriculum they have used and about learning more. They are courageous and brave, a unique breed. We are constantly looking for ways our children to learn from life which happens to us each day. We love our kids and are giving our lives to help them have the best in every way with what God has made available to us. It's like within our restraints, God is crafting and creating the perfectly unique kids through us.
This morning, I opened up one of my devotionals and read this.
"Praise is gratitude. Gratitude is a good attitude. It lifts the praiser to a state of greatness, whereas complaining pulls him down. Ingratitude in bringing a curse upon this world. Because people are not thankful, their hearts are being darkened...God is calling for gratitude and thankfulness to flow from your heart. God wants to bless us and prosper us, but how can He do this when my heart does not appreciate Him for what He has already done?" Day by Day by Gwen R. Shaw*
Romans 1:21 "Because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or give thanks, but their thoughts became directed to worthless things and their foolish hearts and minds became covered in darkness."
I have been asking myself, where did the love of learning go? That sweet place of desiring to read or look into a subject or book just for the love of it, wondering what might be in it. Where is the curiosity? Where is the desire of discovery?
Then is all came into perspective for me. Gratefulness allows us count our blessings every day. Gratefulness allows God's light to penetrate our minds and hearts making them a soft place for His truth to settle. When we are thankful and praise God we give Him joy and He will open the windows of Heaven and pour His blessings and goodness into our lives. He will increase our wisdom, knowledge and discernment as we keep our eyes and heart lifted to Him in praise. *
So, I'm going to take some time this summer to remember the special memories I have of homeschooling. I distinctly remember His asking me to homeschool as I was walking home down a jungle road at the age of 12. He must have known how good, lovely and important it would be for my children to be homeschooled, for Him to take time to tell me that so long ago. I truly am so thankful for the close relationships I have with my kids. Over the years we have spent so much time together around the table in devotions when they were younger and in conversations and prayer about their lives while they were older.
One special memory and answer to prayer I have is when God blessed us with a trip to Washington DC. I had been asking God for this since the kids were young. Rich had a business trip there so we all joined him along with his parents and made such special memories together!
God's Words are faithful and as I take some time to look at what God has done for us and have my children do the same, I believe He will inspire us and give us that love of learning, curiosity and discovery again. A verse that keeps coming to my mind is "He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it" Phil 1:6. And "For since the world began, no ear has heard and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for Him!" Isa. 64:4. Thank you, Jesus!!
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