
Life of a Ministry Minded Homeschool Mom...living by the Holy Spirit one day at a time

Monday, January 21, 2013

For what its worth...

For what it's worth...I have this experience, this message if you will, welling up inside of me.  It has been on my mind a lot and it has changed me, my heart, the way I look at people and life around me.  It has changed the way I look at what God has laid before me to do in life.  It feels important enough to me and so life changing that I am feeling compelled to share it.  I heard once that salvation is for us as believers, but the Holy Spirit in our lives is for ministry to others not just a nice feeling inside.  The Holy Spirit gave me a picture, the other day of my heart.  It looked like a reservoir of water almost full to the brim.  I want to be a vessel that has His Rivers of Living Water flowing out of me so why was it a reservoir?... I'm thinking it is time to let it flow out.  So, this is a little of that water flowing out...

This morning the Holy Spirit woke me up and gave me this title and started talking to me through my experiences so that I could express them in written form.  You see, last night I was feeling frustrated with what to do with the gifts the Holy Spirit is giving me and the downloads that are just so amazing!  I realize that the only way another person would think they are amazing as well or a "revelation", would be if they had been asking God about that subject or if God wants them to share in that revelation as well.  We all go from glory to glory, and He is always working on us, as His beautiful children to make us more like Him.  So, this is a tiny bit of that process and personally, think it is pretty cool.  lol  It is a way He has given me to let that water flow out.  

Courage...Warrior...  What do you think of when you read those words?  Maybe that... courage is just for warriors and there is no way that I am a warrior!!  How about a Warrior Anointing?  The word anointing shouldn't scare anyone.  It is a beautiful word because it speaks of God placing a special amount of His power into our lives to accomplish a very special task He might want to place before us to do.  We get anointed to do things in all sorts of ways.  As believers we all have been asked by God to do something beyond our means, beyond our strength or financial means just for starters.  

King David had that special strength, that special anointing...  What is God asking you to do today that is beyond your means.  Maybe it is just the little things like taking care of your family (...huge thing!) by working or cleaning or leaving the house to work everyday and coming home to more.  How has God asked you to go beyond your means to do something special or great for Him?  Let the juices start flowing and listen to what the Holy Spirit might want to share with you today.   

more to follow...

Christmas at the Cabin

Here are more pictures of the evening together!! :)

Christmas at the Cabin

Day 1: Uncle Ryan's Birthday!

We all got to the cabin on Saturday and discovered it was a bit dusty.  After some clean up we got settled, discussed menus, let the kids run around inside and out and made plans for the next few days.  It was SO wonderful to be together again.  We all had missed each other so much.  The grounds that the cabin was on was so pretty and had lots for the kids to do.  We discovered later that it had been a place that soldiers and their families had come for retreats and fun!  

Mary, Esther and Mom headed out to shop for groceries while I stayed back to help with the kids and to get dinner ready.  We decided to make Ryan a delicious Chicken soft taco dinner with Homemade Salsa.  We had the kids fed by the time the ladies got back and after a nice dinner with just us adults, Mary pulled out the Lemon Meringue Pie and we all sang "Happy Birthday" to Ryan.  

Ryan, I hope your day was blessed.  May you always know how much we all love you and respect you and are thankful for all that you do.  Thank you for serving us through the US Army.  The hours are long and the job isn't easy...  Thank you, Mary, Danielle, William and Kara, too.  Thank you for what you sacrifice...  We love you!!