
Life of a Ministry Minded Homeschool Mom...living by the Holy Spirit one day at a time

Sunday, May 13, 2012

“How can I serve you today”

I don't want to forget this experience. It was a day just like any other. The day had just begun and I had a long list of things to clean around the house. Keeping up with homeschool and housecleaning is quite a chore, to say the least. It seems like the minutes I do have to clean are hurried and I am almost always left wondering; how did this house get so dirty and how am I supposed to get this all done?? 

So, as I was scrubbing the stove top and wondering how am I supposed to get all these spots and dried food off... I heard as plain as day, in my spirit, “How can I serve you today?” I knew right away that this was Jesus. I was shocked that my Lord would ask me that question. I answered, “What? What do you mean, serve me? I am supposed to be serving... I serve. I serve my family and we are supposed to serve you...” He asked me again, “How can I serve you?” I just couldn't take it, He had shaken me up and I didn't know what to say. I felt like I had to get out of the house, so in tears I ran outside to the front porch and took a seat on the bench. 

 My thoughts were just reeling. But...but, I thought...then I remembered and I knew how Peter must have felt when Jesus wanted to wash Peter's feet, but he said to Jesus, no Lord, I am supposed to wash your feet... I couldn't bring myself to answer that question right away, but as I sat there in His presence, and after much thinking... Asking for things that we needed didn't seem right. So I went to the places in my heart that I have been longing for and brought those requests before Him. Then in those requests I felt that He answered me and said He would do those things for me. What were they? Well, they were the deepest longings of my heart and probably similar to yours. It was like the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me turn to the right or the left until I answered Him. 

 I wiped my tears and went back inside to finish my stove. The tasks before me didn't seem so daunting anymore. A fresh peace and joy flooded my heart. I had been loved on by my Savior and He, of all persons, asked if He could serve ME. I felt that He wanted me to share this with you as well. He comes to us to serve and not be served. Will we let Him?

"Just as the Son of Man came not to be waited on but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many [the price paid to set them free]."  Matthew 20:28

Ruthe Reid
May 5, 2012