
Life of a Ministry Minded Homeschool Mom...living by the Holy Spirit one day at a time

Monday, March 19, 2012

Little House on the Prairie Party

Julianna was invited to a Little House on the Prairie Birthday Party this month.  It was so fun and creative I just had to share it!  Elizabeth May is a dear friend.  She and her husband are missionaries to the military through Cadence International.  (Their website is...http://www.maymemos.blogspot.com/)  They have 4 precious children who are about our kids ages.  We have been blessed by their family and their friendship.  So, as you see Elizabeth is very creative and lots of fun!  Hope you enjoy the ideas and the pictures!   

 Julianna has her new bonnet on, which I made from a tutorial online, and is all ready for the party!
 Abigail and Julia are twins, if you couldn't tell and they are full of fun and life.
 Check out Mr. Olson's Country Store.
The cupcakes were mini "Blueberry and Cherry Pies"!   

 They started out playing "Find the Thimble"...all the girls just loved that game!
 Then moved on to making fresh milled and freshly made whole wheat bread. 

 Julianna all ready to put her dough in the pan!

 Ready to bake!
 Mommy and daughter moment...
 Time to use their pennies to buy penny candy, rope, hankies and peppermints from "Mr. Olson"!  

 They even made fresh butter from whipping cream-lots of shaking...
 I love this idea to make pies as cupcakes...I think I will be using this idea myself someday!  Thanks Elizabeth for giving such a fun party!  Have a very special year, Abigail and Julia!!  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Miracles Happen

Miracles Still Happen!
Below is Diana Ruff's baby shower.  She is about to have her 3rd son and his name will be Noah James.  All babies are precious miracles but this little boy has a special story.  His mommy wasn't supposed to be able to have any more babies.  She had fibroids on her uterus and was scheduled to have a hysterectomy.  God spoke to her and to her husband to try again and with lots of prayer, the next month, they were pregnant!!  Then at her next check up, the doctor confirmed that the fibroids were NOT even there anymore!!  Praise God for His grace, healing, love and power!  Thank you, Jesus for this special addition to our church family!  We love you, Diana, Preston, Giovahn, Isaiah and baby Noah!  Thank you to all the ladies who made this Baby Shower at Bodega Bean so fun and special.